The Goatfish and the Shark
The abandoned sea shack once beloved to the summer vacations left neglected to the elements of the sea riddled by the flow of time. What is left, nothing but itself and the inanimate objects that keep its company as the wind flows the blue seas. Though so much of life, so much love of a place that relaxes the human body left to eventually decay and sink into the sea.
A ghost shack that could’ve seen better days on the horizon.
The surface of its beams, the sound of the wind carrying the ocean surface, but underneath it, life itself of marine wonders under the deep. A reflection, a reef, a boat floating on the surface, seaweed flowing the ocean ways that gleam with life not polluted by man's waste of comfort or reflection of being grateful of sea life under the surface of the ocean. Only the gleam of its creatures that live and move through the species habitat. A fish of gold if not many more curiosity of its mind playful yet lazy to steadfast of the seaweed that flows. Probably only in the company the fish keeps, the golden surprise of its orange skin as eyes black as the deep seas but childlike in nature. Though often these golden fishes short lives under the sea shack hat are home even to rest alongside the seaweed around the big rock next to the surrounding seaweed rocks where the sea shack and pier stacked on top of it.
Another creature lives near the goldfishes. Keeps to itself most days, not a bother to the fish body that surrounds their home swimming around all individually. The occasional bother as these creatures eat the seaweed near the edges of the main seaweed bushed around the rocks sea shack. Only a couple of times do a few goldfish just swim by its horns.
Half goat, half fish. Adapted to the ways of the ocean but the traits of an animal from the dry land that still lingers.
Alone, a goldfish swims away out of the corner of the goatfish eyes.
By itself in its natural environment only curious to the sea life that is true to its natural swimming around the rocks and bubbles, swimming around the carelessly. Only a fool wonders alone in its space not cautious at who’s watching the little goldfish in the distance. Its pray lingering too far from its pod. Curiosity could kill the goldfish.
The sea-goat minds its own but looks up and sees the danger in the distance. Goatfish moves in for a closer look.
Playing and basking in the bubbles a large creature approaches from the deep approaching from behind and stops. The little goldfish is oblivious to its bigger predator fish. It is big ruthless, the apex predator of the sea with big teeth, big mouth, a great white looking hungry in its dark eyes as the little fish plays in the bubbles.
The great white charges toward the helpless goldfish, mouth open far and wide as the little fish turns around in horror as it is saved at the last moment the goatfish rams its horns into the shark's side as the big fish swims away.
The great white swims back around as the goldfish stays behind its protector. Turning around, the goatfish gestures to the little fishy to return to its shoal underneath the pier as the great white awaits its new prey.
Seeing the little fish safe, the goatfish turns its body toward its enemy. Starring it down at the shark floating feet away from its horn as the goatfish says its head from side to side.
Both sea creatures head toward another location in the ocean.
Below the surface of the ocean, both sea animals stare at each other for a few moments. Time stops, they charge one another, the mouth opens wide as the eyes conceive and horns that long to charge into its predatorial opposition. It would have to ram into the great white's nose. It stops, everything goes black.
Somehow, in the distance, the sound of birds adheres to the ocean. The pier rested the two sea animals unmoved and untouched. The great white's mouth was dislocated and broken, the goatfish was laid next to its predator. The goldfish underneath the pier looking at their protector as its head and horns appear on the edge of the pier.
The creature with horns moves its head as the goldfish.